Dump RV Fresh Water Service - $15
Another task that is often forgotten about, is to dump your fresh water tank before storing your RV. The longer it sits with fresh water in the tank, the less fresh it will be and can cause other issues that will be avoided by dumping the fresh water before it goes into our Indoor RV Storage Facility.
You rely on your recreational vehicle’s water systems to provide you with numerous creature comforts while you are on the road. It provides you with fresh water to for cooking, cleaning and showering. Dumping the dirty water after an extended road trip is obviously important but making sure the fresh water tank is empty is just as critical. At 24/7 Indoor Storage, our staff will take care of preparing your water system before stowing your vehicle in our climate-controlled facility.
Proper maintenance eliminates the risk of contamination and ensures your fresh water supply remains fresh during your next RV adventure. Water that sits for a period eventually becomes stagnant and provides a fertile environment for the growth of bacteria, algae and other microbes that can contaminate your water system.
When you count on us for Las Vegas RV storage, we offer a variety of incoming services, including dumping your fresh water tank upon arrival. By relieving you of the responsibility of preparing your recreational vehicle for storage, we give you more time to enjoy the fun without worrying about basic maintenance tasks. You can extend your time on the road a few hours knowing that you can drop off your RV and we will take care of everything before we park it safely inside.
Before your next outing, call us with your schedule so our crew can prepare your recreational vehicle for the road. All you have to do is climb behind the steering wheel and start the engine to get your next adventure underway. As a 24/7 Indoor Storage tenant, you enjoy all incoming and outgoing services twice per month at no extra charge.
If you need additional services, including propane tank fill up, exterior washing, interior cleaning or vehicle delivery, call us to discuss our affordable options.
When you want Las Vegas indoor RV storage with the outstanding customer service that only 24/7 Indoor Storage can provide, call us at 702-296-1515.